Divorce and custody can be the most emotional and contentious types of cases in the judicial system. People are at the end of their relationship with their spouse with whom they have shared their life, and are now fighting over custody of their children, or division of assets, or both. You need an attorney that has the experience in these matters to properly and successfully navigate you through this difficult and emotional process.
Asking an attorney who has never handled a contentious divorce to handle your important case is like asking someone who has never driven a car to get behind the wheel and get into Austin traffic during rush hour! Do you really want an attorney learning how to handle a divorce or a custody case on your bill? If you don't have the experience handling divorce and custody cases, there are so many things you will miss. Many times these cases are about strategy from the outset, and the only way an attorney can properly set the strategy is if he/she has the experience to do so.
We come across many inexperienced divorce and custody attorneys in our practice, and we always wonder how and why the other client chose that attorney, and why they choose to pay these inexperienced attorneys exorbitant fees. But it's a free market and you can choose whomever you want to represent you.
Here is some free advice. Unless you have a very simple divorce, if the case is important to you, make sure you hire the right attorney with plenty of experience handling such matters. Come interview some of our attorneys today and determine if you like one of these for your case. Our attorneys have various degrees of experience and different rates.